The world’s largest, most extensive cannabis consumption study.

Cannatrack is the largest consumer research study of its kind.

Cannatrack studies international sales and consumption behavior from the recreational and medicinal markets across legal and illicit channels.

Built to unlock growth opportunities in the cannabis industry.

Areas of Study

Demographics & Locations

Age, location, and other demographic information

Demographics & Locations

Age, location, and other demographic information

Demographics & Locations

Age, location, and other demographic information

Demographics & Locations

Age, location, and other demographic information

The Data:

Cannatrack is based on our team’s decades of experience marketing in controlled industries. We make sure the most robust data is available and accessible to the decision-makers in your business.






People Surveyed Monthly


Monthly Data Points

Cannatrack Dashboard

Every Cannatrack subscription includes access to a custom visualization dashboard, allowing you to manipulate data in real time and export tables and charts for use in presentations or Microsoft Excel.


If you’re interested in learning more about Cannatrack or discussing custom cannabis research, contact us